Remember, eternal beings occupy Creation via Man passing perfectly suitable for continuity of free agency dominion, of ordered liberty via nature's law & nature's (Creator/Creative) science of right reason in service of honor for honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
This reality afoot, is a toehold for all walks of life, purposely made good for eternal vigilantes (grantees of dominion), known.
Reality shifts cyclically by energy, vibration and frequency, testing all.
So, always cyclically shift frequently energizing &
As an addition,did you know that we are told that ‘assume’ means the same as ‘presume’?
Whereas ‘assume’ means to take on, to accept, eg ‘assume the liability’.
In Nz, there is no legal definition in the legislation (Tax Act) for ‘income’ but through a tortuous process, discovery was made of this - “An amount is income of a person”.
In the ‘tax return form’ it says “for all income received put the amount in the box”.
So, writing in the box self-defines income.
‘amount’ is not defined anywhere I can see as yet.
Because it is all voluntary. Income is what you receive for doing a 'job' (something illegal for illicit gain). The penalty and cost of being permitted to do said job that would otherwise be illegal is a tax. An employee does a job and receives income and must pay tax that they voluntarily decide to do. Ingenious.
But, man works and gets fairly compensated for said work. It is called consideration. Any contract lacking equal and fair consideration is an adhesion contract.
Good find! The hue man creature requires salvation per Pope Bonifas VIII. Resident the res ID. One's Godly origin is fertilization to expiration last breath. They presume we are broken and require re cord to be put back togther. Status quo antebellum. Fictio cedit veratati! Thank you!
Thank you. I fwd it to 400+. We also include de facto and de jure see Black's Law 6th edition page 416. They changed the definition in Black's 11th. Bouvier 1856 is the correct dictionary. men and women are sovereign on the land and soil of our America..
A preponderance of evidence show this is a flat plane of land and water in the form of a diorama, with holographs.
A question: what if you are the Creator? You are simply here as a spark of the Creator to experience all that is possible? What if you are i am? What if all souls are I am? And the illusion is simply for experience...? All words are then irrelevant.
Remember, eternal beings occupy Creation via Man passing perfectly suitable for continuity of free agency dominion, of ordered liberty via nature's law & nature's (Creator/Creative) science of right reason in service of honor for honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
This reality afoot, is a toehold for all walks of life, purposely made good for eternal vigilantes (grantees of dominion), known.
Reality shifts cyclically by energy, vibration and frequency, testing all.
So, always cyclically shift frequently energizing &
Thank you.
and, therefore, invalid.
I have forwarded your post onto our assembly, for their edification
Another excellent article. Thanks Shire.
As an addition,did you know that we are told that ‘assume’ means the same as ‘presume’?
Whereas ‘assume’ means to take on, to accept, eg ‘assume the liability’.
In Nz, there is no legal definition in the legislation (Tax Act) for ‘income’ but through a tortuous process, discovery was made of this - “An amount is income of a person”.
In the ‘tax return form’ it says “for all income received put the amount in the box”.
So, writing in the box self-defines income.
‘amount’ is not defined anywhere I can see as yet.
Because it is all voluntary. Income is what you receive for doing a 'job' (something illegal for illicit gain). The penalty and cost of being permitted to do said job that would otherwise be illegal is a tax. An employee does a job and receives income and must pay tax that they voluntarily decide to do. Ingenious.
But, man works and gets fairly compensated for said work. It is called consideration. Any contract lacking equal and fair consideration is an adhesion contract.
Good find! The hue man creature requires salvation per Pope Bonifas VIII. Resident the res ID. One's Godly origin is fertilization to expiration last breath. They presume we are broken and require re cord to be put back togther. Status quo antebellum. Fictio cedit veratati! Thank you!
Thank you. I fwd it to 400+. We also include de facto and de jure see Black's Law 6th edition page 416. They changed the definition in Black's 11th. Bouvier 1856 is the correct dictionary. men and women are sovereign on the land and soil of our America..
A preponderance of evidence show this is a flat plane of land and water in the form of a diorama, with holographs.
The goal is to show that it is in fact an illusion. Even by their definitions. The bar majority have believed the illusion.
Hi Trixie. Thank you for your comments.
A question: what if you are the Creator? You are simply here as a spark of the Creator to experience all that is possible? What if you are i am? What if all souls are I am? And the illusion is simply for experience...? All words are then irrelevant.