Hello Curt. Thank you for the feedback. As a note, i had been skeptical as well from the onset of this journey. That is in large part of how/why this in depth research journey began. What i have discerned to date is the issue within any given assembly lies with a lack of knowledge and understanding by most good intentioned individuals of mankind who do not have most of the pieces together (but think they do). Or, in some cases, agent saboteurs as it were...

This sharing is a result of "trust but verify" and what has been uncovered (and i provide proof and references for all to verify for this reason) is more than what Anna has been able to clearly communicate. Great articles, but lacking references for self education. The facts are correct. Upon digging, the lack of what we are taught is astounding. Call it "silo" learning. In school, we are given tails of a man or woman or a specific event. Yet, very little or skewed context to put the pieces together. Institutionalized learning facilitates this diversional process and diminishes independent thought.

Not sure when you were last involved, but all states are "assembled" now. Many are less sound than others. In my case, this is more than a 3 year journey digging deep into the legal system, history, definitions of words, and tons of reading of historical documents and comparing them to Law and legal definitions and books of copious notes. And i am finding lawyers are not even aware of much of this deception. What has been found is that Anna is almost spot on every item once the time is afforded to do the digging on a particular supporting topic. Bottom line, upon self education, the verification and support for the enslavement is irrefutable. My frustration has always been with the lack of supporting references from Anna to go research. Perspective, and benefit-of-the-doubt is where i start and then try to prove things right or wrong. So, hence, this Substack. So, i pick a word or a topic and start digging.

Naturale est quidlibet dissolvi eo modo quo ligatur - It is natural for a thing to be unbound in the same way in which it was bound.

And the world needs to stop voluntarily giving up accountability and responsibility and be a man or woman and not an entity. More on that in detail to come as the history is unfolded.

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Thank you so much for all of your research and taking the time to put this together. I'm somewhat familiar with some of this. I've been listening to a doctor who goes by the handle "KL" on crrow777 radio and elsewhere, so some of this is familiar to me and he also mentions trust agreements. Anyway, this is a ton of information- it's going to take a lot of time to wrap my head around all of this. Thank you again for all of your thorough research.

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Be careful with Anna Von Rietz. Those around her do not want the states to organize the land and soil jurisdiction. I know, I volunteered full-time for a year and watched state assembly after state assembly get infiltrated and then dismantled. Otherwise, great writing.

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Thanks for the update and what you learned after volunteering for a years. Seems like everything gets infiltrated. A lot of people have recommended looking into Anna Von Rietz's material, but I just haven't had the time.

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