
Thank you. I appreciate the correction. Inadvertent typo. I tend to muscle memory type the same thing wrong repeatedly after I do it once.

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"Erie Railroad v. Thompkins" is actually "Erie Railroad v. Tompkins." Now you'll be able to find it more readily; e.g., https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/304/64

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Love this, the government does not determine or bestow rights, if they do then they are privileges not rights. Only two classes of people have privileges children or slaves. Pick which you are as their are no other choices.

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Germane to whatever time unveils of any predecessors writ, may wisdom find honor lighting good will seeking paths of eternal peace, in service of honor above all else, forevermore..

NOW, for this missive respective to Anna Reitz and such ilk.

Remember, all attorning malefactors' however illusionary, are to be avoided by all-fathers godsons & goddaughters fearfully and wonderfully made in "Normal Law" honor for honor. Any so-called World Service Authority and else-wise, are no better that corporate shills for the same pettifoggery of religious money-mongers long afoot, consider:

To all walks of life seeking good Will honor for honor in magistrates else-wiser…lol.

"When the Revolution took place the people of each State became themselves sovereign: Martin et al v, The Lessee of Waddell, (1842) 41 U.S. (16 Pet) 367, 410, 10 L. Ed 997, 1013).

For introductory perspective, here's a question: May the "created" tell the "creator" what to disclose or when?

Here's the translation: "Secrecy" is the cover story for "immunity" as in "sovereign immunity." See: FSIA.

Bank “secrecy” tells the observant – what they need to know. [Title 31 USC 5318(g)(3)]

“The words “sovereign state” are cabalistic words, not understood by the disciple of liberty, who has been instructed in our constitutional schools. It is our appropriate phrase when applied to an absolute despotism. The idea of sovereign power in the government of a republic is incompatible with the existence and foundation of civil liberty and the rights of property. Gaines v. Buford, 31 Ky. (1 Dana) 481, 501.

Consider how Man triangulates reality fearfully & wonderfully made in all-fathers image & likeness by Nature’s Law & Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason as godsons & goddaughters, in-law:

Long ago, uncovered an ancient attorning scheme by money-mongers to use religion and jurisdictional Staples via Stile-gates to deceive via social role models most historically are socially engineered to prepare all for voluntary slavery none ‘normal’ can discern.

So, if you want to be free, first you must be ‘normal.’

Then, live by ‘Normal Law.”

All other laws (Common [land] Law or Law-Merchant/Maritime Law) is in suzerainty to “Normal Law.”

Creation exists because of “Normal Law.” Any who seek else-wise, faces oblivion!

The Triple Tiara or 3 Crowns of popery institutionalized commercial religion or corporate states currently recognize only One man as “Normal” upon which all other life must be subjected to, that are beguiled into believing such pettifoggery.

Again, the 3 Crowns:

1st & highest Law: Normal Law (dominion by divine providence and imbued honor for honor).

2nd Law in Suzerainty to “Normal Law”: Common Law (of the land).

3rd & in Suzerainty to “Normal Law”: Maritime Law (Merchant).

For those good people of united America wishing to live honor for honor via variation by agreement, it is ‘Normal Law” that serves every Joint Tenant in the Sovereignty of Creation.

It is this “normalcy in-law” that all walks of life seeking good will, honor for honor via Nature’s Law & Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason, are soundly anchored and peacefully landmarked for all seeking safe harbor.

Be wise, safe & blessed,

All-fathers godson & sovereign witness of the good people of united America exercising joint dominion of eternal creation, with all walks of life seeking service in honor above all else, forevermore

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I contacted Bailiwick (sp) I was sent to you. May I have a conversation? 503 641 8375

Reverse engineer this.

We need to restore law as defined by the Declaration of Independence , the Confederation and perpetual Union’s Articles one of which is The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859-60 including 13 lawful Amendments the last ratified 1819; 33 States among the several states. Statutes at Large and treaties.

The SAL of 1858 was written after Grant and Lee signed an armistice. It that moment the fix was in.

The Treaty of Paris is fraud on the first page. Therefore, the Northwest Ordinance is suspect. However, Ohio and Canada are defined Others too.

The several states or commonwealths all have Constitutions and Statehood Documents that must contain the State’s accepted Constitution and a valid The United States of America’s Constitution at minimum. Just attempt to obtain a certified copy.

This year in Philadelphia.

We had a de jure Constitutional Republican form of government on the 33 states and commonwealths 1859-60. We lost South Carolina in 1860. So to restore South Carolina to The United States of America is a goal.

We lost the color of law Confederation and perpetual Union aka The United States of America March 1861. To restore a de jure Constitutional Republican form of government. We need to meet in Congress Assembled in Philadelphia this year 2023.

For a Congress to assembly we must have delegates with bonafides from the several states. We get our delegates with bona fides through Article I Section 1 all power is inherent in the people using Full Faith and Credit, To remove Martial law/Liber code still in effect with the US Army 2015, no known updates. The de facto removal of martial law is with ex parte Milligan’s Civilian court. So, we know how to make a court.

To lawfully remove the de facto on Oregon we needed a Grand Jury and trial jury pool. Then we needed Presentments for the de facto and True Bills for Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction. That Court is found in Amendment VII whose jury verdict has no appeal in law. We removed the de facto executive. Legislative, judicial of ARTICLE VII (Amended0 (Original) on Oregon 2022.

Here is the thought for the leaders and the congregations of the Christian Community. My oldest daughter said even if he did break his oath—he did more good than bad. To give your sacred word and break it –is not good.

The current de facto, unlawful, illegal, illegitimate, incorporated governance in Salem all three , Executive such as kate Brown, Tina Kptek, Shemia Fagan, Ellen and more; Legislatively 89 Legislators met when men and women were locked out. Mike Nearman opened the door. Guilty of breaking their oath. The Judiciary on Oregon has been unable to be de jure as the system is de facto from November 8, 1910 the only Constitution available is bogus. And they all know it. All were Abolished Constitutionally 2022

The believers in Christ, Jesus in Spanish and English, various other words denote the same God. There are Churches worshipping and are registered supporters of the Salem oligarchy that is a de facto State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON a sub division of the United States of Washington District of Columbia martial law/Lieber code/FEMA. Once you are no longer deceived then the fraud of the de facto is obvious and the expatriate to the de jure jurisdiction

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