Claimed political status and all evidence on public record. Also visit https://thesovereignsway.com/ for more foundational knowledge.

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It’s so interesting how the words in and on are so misused. We have resided on our sailboat since 2011. And when we are asked “where do you live” we respond “on our boat”. But when we return the question the inevitable answer is “in state XX” or “in city XX” or “in a house in city XX” etc. We would never think to say we live “in” our boat…and yet we were certainly guilty in our prior life of saying we lived in a house or in a state, etc. Fascinating stuff.

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Thank you. i have determined through research something very similar. That is also why a proper string of adjectives in a prepositional phrase after the preposition and article needs to connect the words that have a singular meaning to be proper communication for the time-honored-tradition of the con. Especially if used in a contract.

And, if the words are capitalized or underlined and not defined, it is simply a sign and incoherent. "What is your definition of "is"?"

And yes - also why we do not use Bouviers when dealing with their courts to decipher their code language. You will be eviscerated since they use the same or similar words with different meanings in Black's to entrap. You must compare both and know when you are dealing with MUNICIPAL court. That is also why you do not use their case law ["post 1868 in America"] for statutory MUNICIPAL proceedings ["look at the definition of proceeding"]. It is their cases and their rules they are talking about. They ignore Common Law completely. So, their cases only pertain to their corporate world. Compassion is growing in my heart for those who are not following this in sequence to see the development of the con.

An "invoice" without a corresponding bill or fee notice prior to any action is invalid and does not create debt. That is the work of a private corporation with private rules and has no effect on a man or woman.

Appreciated observations and sharing.

i am not an expert by any stretch, but when the code clicks, it is a whole new world of awareness. i have sent many notices and have many more lined up. The use of notices does work. Period. They cannot have the con on the record. To be free is to set your boundaries with your notices and follow-up. It takes work, but it results in truly being free. They work so well, that if done in order of escalation, then create the evidence of the incorrect presumption, then return service for misaddressing, then point out violations of their own codes documented as evidence, that they are accountable to, the world changes. Their rules need to work or else their whole house of cards collapses. Those rules allow for evidence in your favor.

A birth certificate is a gift. It is evidence. All their statutes are a gift if you know you are not part of their business. All their signs are a gift if you start to see the pattern. It is all about agreements and evidence. Complaining allows them to have already won. But a claim and notices and evidence, those are facts and what is true.

i do apologize if this commentary will be very confusing for many reading this.

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Great article Sir Shire. A living man known as Romley, and his friend known as Rowan, discovered something in a style manual that was an important key to one part of the con.

Here is my take on it;-

Anything written in all-caps is not an actual language.

Roman/Latin is written in the following manner;


Separate words must be ‘joined’ by dots or hyphens.

Whereas a common sign might be DISTRICT COURT, or POLICE STATION, or DO NOT ENTER, and these are pictures, not a language or announcement or direction.

More examples could be INVOICE, or SUBPOENA, or TAX ACCOUNT, or the like, and these are unreadable in English, are not in any actual language, and usage of such on a document, legally invalidates said document.

Asking senders of same the following;

“what dictionary, what style manual and what language they are using, with verifiable evidence provided.” generally results in no answer.

Currently, in NZ, the local “govt” agencies, called “councils”, are sending out documents with headers written as;


Which is of course illegible in English, but even if it was readable it would mean it is a credit note for the amount written.

Those sending these out do not comprehend their own documents, ditto the receivers and the poor mugs just assume it is real and they pay.

Deep con.

The following is from;

The Chicago Manual of Styles

11.128 Glosses in ASL.

The written-language transcription of a sign is called a gloss. Glosses are words from the spoken language written in small capital letters: WOMAN, SCHOOL, CAT. (Alternatively, regular capital letters may be used.)

When two or more written words are used to gloss a single sign, the glosses are separated by hyphens. The translation is enclosed in double quotation marks.

The sign for "a car drove by" is written as VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY.

One obvious limitation of the use of glosses from the spoken/written language to represent signs is that there is no one-to-one correspondence between the words or signs in any two languages.

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i am glad you find it useful. The goal is to share information so others may go and do their own research with some background to help that journey. i do not give advice, legal or otherwise. Each man or woman is responsible and accountable to make their own journey.

With that said, there will be a follow up to this particular post due to a response email received. It is necessary to demonstrate the trap of perspective due to language, their courts versus our courts, and miss-application of cases within their jurisdiction which, by the nature of the sea and air court itself, is limiting in permitted scope and focus. It is like putting four or more grocery stores right next to each other and stealing employees from one store and holding them accountable to the rules and procedures in another store. And constantly doing that and expect the one employee to just accept all the other store rules.

The followup will be a breakdown of cases attempting to refute the information in this article. i will be breaking down the dates, jurisdiction, misaddressing of names, unlawful conveyance of language and words, and how that impacts cases per 18 USC 1001 (a)(1) and 18 USC 1341 and 1342. These statutes apply to U.S. Citizens and the government persons in their various forms; not Americans. This breakdown will include references to Statutes-at-large prior to the inaccurately named civil war that properly relied on Common Law. Cases after the civil-war time frame rely on Statutory Municipal and Territorial Law which is based on Roman Law and Canon Law. Using their cases as reference is a reference to territorial and municipal law. It does not even contemplate Common Law as a scope due to the jurisdiction limitations. They have even stolen Common Law as a phrase to reference their actions as the Law of the Land when THEY are on the land and not at sea (maritime and corporate). Everything is a trick and inversion. Until people start recognizing the duplicity, it is easy to be trapped in the paradigm.

This is the purpose for showing Black's Law Dictionary definitions. Those are the definitions of THIER courts. Bouviers dictionary ["Consider using revised 6th edition - 1856 or earlier"] covers American Law ["and by extension, land and soil jurisdiction"] prior to the military district court take over through Martial Law. If you strictly use Bouviers Law Dictionary, you will get trapped as the Roman and Canon courts use the same or similar words with different definitions. Real Property in Common Law is NOT the same as Real Property in Territorial or Municipal jurisdictions. This is part of their trickery and word magic. All statutes after the mis-named civil war use their language. American Common Law typically uses Bouviers Law Dictionary and the law as established by the people through proper trial-by-jury. ["so, basically not in use today unless invoked in your definitions for cases as a man or woman."] THEY use jury trials. Read the media - even Epoch Times falsely references jury trials as being what the Bill of Rights allows. But the correct words are "trial by jury". All inversion.

"Amendment VII: In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."

It is also important to separate the constitutions ["specifically that they are contracts between the Confederation of States through the Articles of Confederation and the new Territorial and Municipal government as outlined in the constitution itself"] which are business units by themselves and not conflate people with the persons serving as our subcontractors.

Their courts will not and cannot address our land and soil laws as the jurisdictions are different. That is why the understanding of Ex parte Milligan is so important. It is like grabbing a man walking down the road, bringing him into your private business, and then telling him he is now subject to the private company rules. Yet, this man off the street has no contract or part of your private business. Yet, we have been sold, hook, line, and sinker that somehow Americans are company employees of the U.S. Government. The next article will cover this conversion scam.

We have been taught to believe that the constitutions are for us. They are not, they only reference protections to us if we are operating as a man or woman in their jurisdiction and that they cannot interfere, but only reaffirm, the rules of the land and soil jurisdiction. Which, has also been grossly abused due to the district courts and the lack of Common Law courts and assemblies.

The follow-up to this article will take some time as it requires much work to dismantle multiple territorial and municipal court case documents ["the paperwork makes the court as a contract - if the paperwork is in error, there is no contract - an thus no court"] through grammar and statutory violations.

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Thank you for this very useful summary of extremely important information! A masterpiece and a valuable work of reference.

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