How do you prove you are not a fictitious entity lost at sea?
What Does the Record Say?
What do your documents indicate?
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Are you a Citizen or National of a State?
What is the difference?
The common theme for most people confronted with the “Strawman” birth certificate idea is that it is not a real thing. Ironic? Of course it is not real! It is a “dead entity” in the form of a bond document and paper trail.
When you are born, you are not a citizen [“duties and responsibilities to a government”] at all. You are a national in the state you were born.
However, if you are aware of the scam, people wonder how to prove the birth certificate fraud is real relative to a bond/security.
In “Strawman” - Just Another Fake Thing, we covered how anything on paper is a fictitious thing that we can create. We covered “persons”, the health care sector and the actual military definitions of a Physician, Medical Doctor, Lawyer, and BAR Lawyer; and, how the Department of Commerce [“UCC which is international jurisdiction and one of the enumerated duties in the Constitution”] started tracking vital statistics of “birth” [“what a ship does”] and fetal death as far back as 1910.
This tracking eventually was rolled into the Health and Human Services activity and the AMA licensed doctors, who are military officers by definition, guided by the “Physicians' Handbook on Birth and Death Registration”. By rolling this into a UCC jurisdiction, mankind became enslaved into the federal government jurisdiction without awareness of the fraud.
We were also taught to pledge to a fictitious entity with the “Pledge of Allegiance” and place our patriotism in the wrong jurisdiction.
When the government talks about health care as a right, they are talking about something they can now “give” to you and control through converting something in the land jurisdiction to the sea jurisdiction by making it part of the commercial code and licensing. Ask yourself, when did your body and health [“your property”] become under the international commercial jurisdiction of the sea?
As clearly noted in the letter for the submission of the 1787 Constitution for review and ratification it states:
This statement was expressed to justify the creation of the federal [“not federation”] government with a very limited and international only, 18 [“plus the preamble making it 19”] enumerated duties.
Now - Let’s go back in time even further with a history lesson on the British baby slave trade. The following is a detailed researched history of the laws in England that put the majority of their population into the class of “pauper”. This excerpt is courtesy of Frank O’Collins and his work “Canon on Positive Law”. Before going to that history,. please note one specific Canon first:
Canon 1896
An Injury exists only when there is a named Injured Party being one or more Persons, Animals or Notions or Things. In the absence of any named Injured Party, no Offence exists.
This is important as this frames the definition of “injury” which is used in the current statutory “civil” court. Notice injury can only occur to “Persons, Animals or Notions or Things”, and is an “Injured Party”. Injury cannot happen to mankind. Only harm can occur to mankind through trespass. Injury is what happens to an athlete participating in sport. It is when acting as something fictitious, that injury can occur. Harm is intentional and occurs when one of mankind trespasses on another of mankind.
The following is a history of the British/English Law Strawman. Please note that these same conversion methods were then copied into our commercial legal codes, rules, acts, and statutes under international sea jurisdiction:
Canon 3351
In terms of the history of Birth Certificates, Settlement Certificates and diminishing, tricking, deceiving, lying, seizing, condemning and cursing free people as slaves, wards, infants, cattle, poor and commodities:
(i) In 1535 (27 Hen.8 c.28) King Henry VIII of England and his Venetian/Magyar banking advisers seized the property of the poor and common farmers under the pretext they were “small religious estates”.
By 1539 (31 Hen.8 c.13), he did the same for large religious estates.
By 1540, (32 Hen.8 c.1), all property was to be owned through “Estates” effectively being Welfare Funds granted by the Crown to the Benefit of use of Subjects with the most common being Estates for the non-wealthy now considered “Wards of the Estate”.
Then in 1545, (37 Hen.8 c.1), King Henry VIII reintroduced a title directly and solely connected to the slave trade of Rome, abolished by emperors and forbidden under Christian law called the “Custos Rotulorum” meaning literally “Keeper of the Slave Rolls” into every county, to maintain records of the Poor now as slaves. The same sacrilegious, immoral, ecclesiastically unlawful positions continued into the 21st Century as connected with Birth Certificates; and [“sic”]
(ii) In 1547 (1 Ed.6 c.3), Edward VI issued a new statute that did forbid people considered poor from travelling [“sic”], except for work, or from claiming their own time and activities and whether or not to work. All people (except those members of the ruling elite, particularly those non-Christian sects from Pisa, Venice and parts of Spain responsible for wholly false religious and legal texts), now declared slaves were either to be gainfully employed in the service of some lord or master, to work to death, or if they were found to be idle, or enjoying life then they were to be seized and permanently branded with a “V” and either sold as a slave or exterminated.
The only exception to the rule, were those men who chose to dedicate themselves to support the status quo and become educated and knowledgeable in the false texts and false scriptures of the slave masters. This act was supposed to have been repealed in 1549 (3 & 4 Ed.6 c.16).
However, the act was then restored to full effect in 1572 (14 El. c.5) and through subsequent repeals of repeals, remains in force; and [“sic”]
(iii) Under Queen Elizabeth I of England, a set of measures were introduced which had the effect of accelerating the disenfranchisement of land peasants into landless paupers.
In 1589 (31 El c.7) peasants then required local parish permission to erect dwellings whereas before the erection of a dwelling by a land peasant on their lord's land was considered a "right". As a result, the ranks of the landless poor, or "paupers" swelled as available to be press-ganged into work; and [“sic”]
(iv) To placate the overwhelming hostility against England as a hellhole of slavery, exploitation and superstition, a new act was introduced in 1601 (43 El. c.2 and “secret version” as 43 El. c.3) to begin to industrialize, hide and franchise slavery with the introduction of “overseers” of the poor as the foremen over the slaves, under a “cleric” of the parish, and the renaming of children sold as sex slaves and workers to be called “Apprentices”.
Thus, the Apprenticeship system was invented not to improve conditions, but to “rebrand” slavery under the Non-Christian English-Venetian-Pisan model of commerce. The act also introduced a new levy, collected by Parishes was called the "Poor Rates" (now called "council taxes") against wealthy property owners for their “rent” of use of the poor as slaves. This is the financial origin of Annuities 100 years later; and [“sic”]
(v) Under Charles II of England, the concept of “Settlements” as plantations of working poor controlled by the Church of England was further refined in 1662 (14 Car.2 c.12) including for the first time the issuance of “Settlement Certificates” equivalent to a “birth certificate, passport and social security” rolled into one document. A child's birthplace was its place of settlement, unless its mother had a settlement certificate from some other parish stating that the unborn child was included on the certificate.
However, from the age of 7 upward, the child could have been apprenticed and therefore “sold into servitude” for some rent paid back to the church as “poor taxes”. The act also made it easier for the “clearing of common houses of the poor” and for the first time made the definition of poor, the value of tenancy being a taxable value of less than £10 per year. The act also modified the age of “emancipation” from child slavery to adult slavery as [“sic”] the age of 16; and [“sic”]
(vi) Under the draconian and morally repugnant dictates of 1662 (14 Car.2 c.12), no one was allowed to move from town to town without the appropriate “Settlement Certificate”.
If a person [“sic - people”] entered a parish in which he or she did not have official settlement, and seemed likely to become chargeable to the new parish, then an examination would be made by the justices (or parish overseers). From this examination on oath, the justices would determine if that person had the means to sustain himself. The results of the examination were documented in an Examination Paper.
As a result of the examination, the intruder would then either be allowed to stay, or would be removed by means of what was known as a Removal Order, the origin of the modern equivalent of an “Eviction and Removal Notice” when a sheriff removes people from their home; and [“sic”]
(vii) In 1667 (19 Car.2 c.4) the concept of “workhouses” were [“sic”] formalized and licensed as being effectively the very worst and hellish places where people considered “prisoners” could be “legally” and effectively worked to death for the profit of the elite pirates and thieves, under the full endorsement by the Church of England.
This is the act that invented the concept of “Employment” and an expansion of the highly profitable white slavery business models of English aristocracy. Thus, people who were taken into custody by virtue of being poor, were expected to work as well as live in [“sic”] conditions as traumatic and evil as any in civilized history; and [“sic”]
(viii) The abuse of poor prisoners through the “workhouses” employment model was extremely profitable, and a new act was required in 1670 (22Car.2 c.18) to regulate the corporations “renting” of [“sic”] prisoners as “employees” for profit, particularly in the paying of their accounts to the Crown; and [“sic”]
(ix) Previous acts were continued, [“sic”] and some made perpetual such as the controls over paperwork and “Settlement Certificates” as the origin and ancestor of Birth Certificates by James II in 1685 (1J.2. c. 17) as one of the few acts that the ruling elite permitted to remain as an active Statute of Westminster under his reign; and [“sic”]
(x) Under William and Mary of Orange in 1691 (3W&M c.11), the acts of workhouses and abuse of the poor were continued and further refined, with greater oversight on paperwork and accounting for poor entering and leaving parishes [“sic”], to prevent fraud by overseers and corporations; and [“sic”]
(xi) In 1697 (3W&M. c.11), one of the more horrific of the wicked and morally repugnant acts of Westminster was the introduction (in §2) of the “badge” of the poor with the letter “P” to be worn at all times on the shoulder of the right sleeve.
Furthermore, all evidence as to “Jewish Badges” being introduced in Europe as early as the 13th Century is wholly and completely false, as the term “jew” was not revived until the 16th Century. Instead, the first examples of badges as a stigma to status, is most likely this act and subsequent acts against the poor by banking and ruling elite who chose to identify themselves as members of the same non-Christian religion invented in the 16th Century that claimed to be victims of the same barbarity.
The use of the “P” as a form of curse and stigma is the same model of modern passports for citizens listed as "P" (Paupers, Poor, Peasant, Prisoners, Property, Peon) used today; and [“sic”]
(xii) In 1698 (9&10W3 c.11) an act reinforced the measurement of the poor being one who does not have an annual lease taxable at ten pounds or more, making at the time more than 95% of the population of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland “poor”; and [“sic”]
(xiii) In 1713 (12Ann. S.2 c.18), the extension of Settlement Certificates as a form of negotiable Security was introduced for the first time (and continues with Birth Certificates today) whereby (§2) those born in a place but without a Settlement Certificate (including women and children), could be moved to a different location, such as a commercial workhouse when the “cost” of such certificates were purchased by a corporation; and [“sic”]
(xiv) Due to the increase in the number of “poor”, in 1722 a new law was passed (9Geo.1 c.7) in which those who had been thrown out of their homes or had their land seized by pirates and thieves operating with endorsement of Westminster and who sought relief from the Church to stay alive now had to “compete” to enter into a workhouse to survive.
Furthermore, the act expanded the ability for a wide variety of business owners to contract with churchwardens for the rent and use of the poor as “indentured servants” and “apprentices”.
(xv) In 1733 (6Geo.2 c.32), one of the most inhumane and barbaric edicts in history was issued by Westminster (and remains an underlying pillar of the slave system today), whereby poor people who could not purchase a “license” to be considered married, would have their children deemed “bastards” and such children could then be seized by Churchwardens and “sold”.
Thus, the baby slave trade was born and fully endorsed by the Church of England and British Society; and [“sic”]
(xvi) In 1761 (2Geo.3 c.22), Westminster declared that all poor as mental “infants” and too stupid to realize the underlying system of slavery and complicity of the Christian Churches, were now to be cursed and doomed as “dead in law” by their registration in the Bills of Mortality and the creation of the “civil birth” rituals being rituals of death that continue today within modern hospitals and registration of new born [“sic”] babies.
This was further reinforced with the act in 1767 (7Geo.3 c.39) that poor children were to be registered [“as property”] and considered “dead in law”; and [“sic”]
(xvii) Beginning in 1773 with the Inclosure Act 1773 (13Geo.3 c.81), followed by the Inclosure Consolidation Act 1801 (41Geo.3 c.109), English Parliament effectively "privatized" massive amounts of common land for the benefit of a few, causing huge numbers of land peasants to become "landless paupers" and therefore in need of parish assistance.
In America, this caused massive rebellion as well as in Ireland and Scotland and contributed to forming a Patriot militia leading to the "War of Independence". Almost the entire Patriot militia were deceived, captured and executed in New York (in 1777) under a deal between George Washington of the United Company of Merchants Blue Army [“now U.S. Merchant Marines”] and General Cornwalis [“sic”] of the East India Company Red Army.
The Inclosure Acts are the foundation of Land Title as it is known today; and
(xviii) Because of the deliberate "legal" theft of land under parliamentary Inclosure laws of the late 18th and early 19th Century, the number of paupers dramatically increased. This led to the most awful and cruel laws being introduced to deliver [“sic”] to an elite few, the slave labor force needed for the industrial revolution through the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) (5&6Will.4 c.76) which effectively stated that the poor could not receive any benefit unless they were constantly "employed" in a workhouse prison. Most importantly, much of the inhuman, barbaric and wholly immoral and sacrilegious framework of dictates and edicts of Westminster remained in force and were not repealed by this act).
Thus, despite international treaties against slavery, the very worst slavery being "wage slavery" or "lawful slavery" was born whereby men, women and children lived in terrible conditions and were continued to be worked "to death"; and
(xix) In 1836, the Births and Deaths Registration Act (1836) (6&7Will.4 c.86) was introduced which for the first time created the General Register Office and the requirement for uniform records of births, deaths and marriages across the Empire by Municipal Councils and Unions of Parishes.
Thus on 1, July 1837, the Birth Certificate was formed as the successor of the Settlement Certificate for all "paupers" disenfranchised of their land birthright to be considered lawful ("voluntary") slaves with benefits provided by the local parish / region underwritten by the Society of Lloyds as it is still today; and
(xx) Beginning from 1871, further historic changes in the administration of “vital statistics” such as birth certificates and death certificates with the introduction of health districts or “sanitary districts”.
The Local Government Act of 1871 (34&35Vict. c.70), Public Health Act 1872 (35&36Vict. c.79) and in 1874 (37&38Vict. c.89) and the Public Health Act 1875 (38&39Vict. c.55) created a system of “districts” called Sanitary Districts governed by a Sanitary Authority responsible for various public health matters including mental health legally known as “sanity”.
Two types of Sanitary Districts were created being Urban and Rural. While the sanitary districts were “abolished” in 1894 with the Local Government Act of 1894 (57&58Vict. c.73), the administration of the “poor” is still maintained in part under the concept of district health boards of Guardians including magistrates and other “Justices of the Peace”; and
(xxi) In 1948, the National Assistance Act (11&12Geo.6 c.29) was introduced and supposed to abolish the Poor Laws. However, many of the most draconian poor law acts were not repealed or abolished as evidenced by the tables of repealed acts that miss key acts, otherwise remaining with full force and effect.
Canon 3352
Since 1990 under the United Nations and the World Health Organisation (WHO) by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the system of issuing birth certificates as proof of a man or woman being a permanent member of the underclass has become an international system.
Canon 3353
In respect of the adoption of the multiple functions of the use of the information and generic form of a Birth Certificate within present Western Roman Systems:
(i) Whilst the same general form and extracted information almost exactly the same as a Birth Certificate may be used (eg a Bond, or other form of Security), unless it is officially “titled” a “Birth Certificate” it is not therefore a “Birth Certificate”; and
(ii) There is no evidence that Bonds using the same information derived from the birth register information uses the title “Birth Certificate” (when it is most likely the term Bond is used). Therefore, any presumptions that precisely the same certificate is used for creating bonds is a gross error, when in fact the real question is the use of the information; and
(iii) Ignorance in presuming the precise same form of a Birth Certificate is used in all cases of applying the information is a major contributor to permitting “plausible deniability” as to the use or misuse of such information by governments.
Canon 3354
In respect of the adoption of the Admiralty term “Birth” in relation to newborns:
(i) The historic record of Statutes of Westminster are a highly unreliable indicator as to the origin of use of the word “Birth” in substitute for historic more ancient and more common terms in the English language such as nascence (from Latin nasci being “born”), or filial, or kin or born. In fact, the majority of European languages with poignant exception to English, continue the tradition of using words descended from nasci to indicate the arrival of a new born; and
(ii) Westminster statutes indicate the term Birth being used to describe newborns by the early 1700’s. However, this should be discounted as almost certainly examples of deliberate fraud and corruption. Instead, the most likely introduction of the term Birth, to distinguish from Berth is by early 1800’s such as (6&7Will.4 c.86) following the transfer of control of the registration of all “vessels” to Admiralty in 1795 (35Geo.3 c.58) and reinforced in 1813 (54Geo.3 c.151) and 1823 with (4Geo.4 c.41).
Putting it all together:
The information above shows the history of creating paupers [“in Canon Law - aka Roman Catholic Corporate Law of the Air - ecclesiastical, canon, ecumenical law ”] and classes of people, and converting those people to a trust and ward of the state to gain control of their lives and assets. These same successful methods were then applied in America after the “civil war” through non-positive law statutes. First, by moving everything to sea jurisdiction in commerce, and then applying municipal courts in the jurisdiction of the air for corporate entities such as franchises, incorporated businesses, co-partnerships, etc…
In the article Bondage - Strawman Part III it is explained how the Birth Certificate is a security and how the UCC is used to control people in the form of those securities; and then how those securities are traded through the federal reserve and the use of the SS#, administered by the IRS and Revenue Service, to be used as guarantees for debts and court case bonds. This was all perpetrated by FDR in 1933 by leveraging the Birth Certificate process, voting through registration, property registration and licenses for the travel conversion to driving, the debt instrument “IOU” currency through the Federal Reserve and confiscation of gold and silver, the groundwork of the Lieber Code, and the 14th Amendment [“and all Congress alterable amendments”] after the renamed “civil war”.
As noted, previous articles covered how a court case is a case bond where they are betting on future securities [“also under Uniform Commercial Code and Security and Exchange Commission jurisdiction”] if they can get you to voluntarily contract by saying “yes” to being your fictitious entity and gaining access to your trust account. All constructive fraud through inducement, name, and word tricks.
What Do You Do About It?
The question now becomes how do you correct your agreements and evidence. America is slightly different than some other countries in that our government statutes, for the most part, contain the remedy within the legal codes, rules, acts and statutes. The definitions and codes exclude mankind. Their lies are by omission. But, this knowledge takes a ton of study. There is also a simpler method of coming forward as one of mankind through evidence. This is called giving “notice” and stating what you are, what you are not, and what harm has been caused through evidence. This act of giving notice, established as a matter of fact, expresses who you are, what harm has been caused, and in what capacity you stand.
The next post will cover a sample of a notice. It is not legal advice. Legal is the “practice of law”. Law is expressed by mankind. An attorney can only “practice” and thus, they require a license.
We will be diving into the misnamed “American Civil War”. However, the current climate dictates the need to explain the conversion of mankind to fictitious entities first, and how to get your evidence correct.
This evidence process is also how you hold accountable those of mankind who do trespass and cause harm. There is the mistake that we make of the belief that we can hold corporations and the federal and State governments [“all fictitious entities”] accountable through litigation by another entity. This will NEVER work when it comes to the crimes perpetrated on mankind directly. They have built in plausible deniability through a complex web of exclusions, standing, jurisdictions, and self-serving protections.
However, holding a man directly accountable for harm - regardless of their fictitious capacity in a job - is the ONLY direct recourse. But, you MUST have evidence. Complaining and arguing is what lawyers and attorneys do like trained children. Mankind explains with evidence, facts, and conclusions of law.
Soil (top 6”) – National Law, personal property, trade
Land (sub-soil - under everything – without it, there are no others) – International Common Law – treaties, property, rights
Maritime (top plus 1” above in air - and inland waterways) – commercial or contract law
Admiralty (High Seas) – uniform military and sea military law
Air (across globe) – ecclesiastical, canon, ecumenical law
Shire Herald: So cannon law is the Roman Catholic Corporate Law of the Air? So corporate law falls within the Law of the Air?