A recent post garnered some good questions on the letters between George Washington and himself as both the President of the Continental Congress assembled and the newly formed Congress President. There are also some good questions about voting - and by extension the difference of being elected. It is always important to remember, if a word is not spelled the same, it does not mean the same thing.
Here are the questions from the reader:
So “people in office” were federales voted by the People who were representatives of the Confederation of States (State=Confederate State). Did I get it right? Weren’t the representatives of the Confederation also elected?
Also, why did George Washington mail a letter to himself? What is the meaning in sending a letter to oneself?
The second set of questions will be answered first. Then the initial questions will sort of take care of themselves by the details in the explanation of the second question directly from the notes from the Continental Congress comments and letters.
So, the letter may have been mailed, but it was actually signed by and presented to the members of the Continental Congress, the Confederation of States, and the States.
Here is the end of the proposed 1787 Constitution with the recording of their witnessing of the proposed document with the clarification of George Washington as the President of the Continental Congress Convention with the consent of the States. Also notice this shows the original reference to the States united as the United States of America [“pre-1851 styling change”]. Notice George Washington also is noted as the Deputy from Virginia. So, he represents the State of Virginia as a political body unincorporated.
This shows a few things:
George Washington is the President of the Convention of States.
George Washington is the Deputy of the State of Virginia.
It is stating the States [“States-of-States styling to show the body politic and not the geographic state”] are consenting. This is proven by the “PRESENT” statement noting “State of New-Hampshire” and so on… It is a political body.
Here are the next indicators of the actual intent and process:
Electors are appointed by the States. And they vote for the President.
The “preceding Constitution” is to be laid before [“placed in front of…”] the United States congress [“meeting”] assembled [“newly formed organization”].
The newly created Constitution is laid before the United States in Congress assembled by the opinion of this Convention [“an obvious separate body”].
Then, it is to be presented to the Convention of Delegates, chosen in each State thereof [“State of State”]. Those Delegates are chosen by the People [“again, body politic”] in each State under the recommendation of the Legislature, and that same Legislature will ratify.
Each State will have its own Convention that should ratify and give notice of that ratification to the United States in Congress assembled.
So, the States [“body politic”] ratifies the Constitution and any amendments from a Convention of Delegates and under the recommendation of the Legislature.
Here is the interesting part:
The Electors should meet on the day fixed for the election of the President. That means the Electors who are qualified [“they were appointed by the State”] are “voting” for the President. Not the people.
And then those same Electors transmit [“physically move from one place to the next”] their vote to the Secretary of the United States in Congress Assembled.
The President of the Senate’s sole purpose is to receive, open, and to then count the votes for President of the United States.
The Electors elect the President of the United States from their votes that are transferred to the Secretary of the United States [“newly formed organization”]. There is not a single mention of the people in the states. Then they [“newly formed Congress and President”] are given charge to execute the Constitution.
This means the Confederation of States [“States of America or States-of-States”] and the States and the states are all different. All but the last [“state”] are body politic. The state is a geographical physical mass of land and soil with distinct boundaries. And the newly formed United States is different from all those.
Note, the state is the only thing physically real outside of the people on the state.
So, there are multiple layers of responsibility demonstrated just in this short set of paragraphs. All of which, is never taught in schools. These layers are intentional to separate the people, from the People and even further separated from the PEOPLE. That is separation of powers.
Here is how the Constitution begins:
This alone shows the difference in “WE the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES” as different for the United States than the United States of America.
Here is a top down visual of the hierarchy as the country was originally created up to the Articles of Confederation. This is where the Constitution is created at the bottom of the list with the States of America.
This demonstrates that we originally had distinct separation of duties and responsibilities and that people had no direct interaction with the International Land and Sea jurisdiction - unless we are without the federal government we created. This responsibility for Land and Sea was originally reserved for the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. [“please note, up until 1851, the styling convention was the Unites States of America; after 1851 the styling changed to The United States of America - from then on the United States of America was the federal government and not the Federation of States”].
So, the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation is who met to create the Constitution for a new organization called the United States. And, that Constitution is for the United States of America [“the Federation of States”]. Two separate organizations with two separate Presidents. Please refer back to Coffee for The People article.
Here is the very next part of the Continental Congress notes with the letter from GEORGE WASHINGTON as President of the new Congress of the United States to GEORGE WASHINGTON, the President of the Convention of the United States of America.
As you can see from above, George Washington was President of the Convention of States and the new Congress.
Below is another visual describing basic principles that follow from the Confederation and the created Constitution above to the subsequent Federal Republic [“unincorporated”].
Internally to this newly created Federal Republic, and as soon as the 1787 Constitution was ratified by 9 States in 1789, another Constitution was created [“copied”] and then again in 1790. This was to further slice up duties internally.
Below is another visual to show how government was originally set up.
At the onset of the falsely named Civil War, the southern confederation of States seceded, and did not seat a full set of delegates. They formed the Southern Confederation of States. As a result there was no quorum for the Confederation and hence, the United States. This role has been “moth-balled” and waiting reconstruction via the reconstruction acts ever since.
Instead, General Orders 100 [“later the Lieber Code”] went into action and military districts were set up. These needed to be disbanded if the people re-set their local jural assemblies and common law courts. As a result, since the military district courts stayed in operation, the flow of power was inverted to look like the following:
With the actual “International Peace Proclamation and Grand Peace Treaty” in 2020 of all 50 State Assemblies called to order and full role call from the hereditary Head of State through the Belchers [“Normandy and Barons from the Magna Carta”], who had the original American Coat of Arms, from the State Assemblies [“unincorporated and not “elected” representatives - hence Republican Form of government”] the new Republican Form of government is in session in the following form…
Below is another visual to better show the run-away federal government levels and how it relates to name styling.
i, will leave you with this from our Declaration of Independence [“ this is the document at the people level”] and why what has occurred with the new State Assemblies is completely lawful and peaceful:
A little more detail on the confederations in a later post related to the buildup of the Civil War.
I will start working on a Postal Service/US Mail Post as well.
Excellent description of what transpired and why we are a constitutional republic with we the people as the citizens of the agreed states.