Before 1860 - The American vs Federal Government
Did you know there were two different “civics” curriculum in schools prior to the 1950’s. The text books started to change at the turn of the century to reframe the context, however, public schools were not influenced heavily by the Federal Government prior to World War II. What was known as the Office of Education was a small department that was under various agencies of the federal government until the 1950’s. The name was changed and officially became the United States Department of Education in 1972. Federal assistance in education through grants and subsidies began government control of the school system in the mid part of the century. However, the actual department was created in 1867. This is one of the many federal departments and agencies developed almost immediately following the commercial mercenary conflict dubbed the “Civil War”.
US Department of Education (ED). (2018, May 14). An overview of the U.S. Department of education-- PG 1. U.S. Department of Education.
Why is this important? Prior to the mid century the school system taught about both main jurisdictions of government. One was the national land jurisdiction [“which also had crossover in the air jurisdiction when dealing with businesses”] and the other was the sea jurisdiction. These were the American Government and the Federal Government respectively. Also, it was sometimes referred to as local and state government, and national government. There is also the air jurisdiction which is global in nature and deals mainly with incorporated entities.

The local and state governments were the referenced guaranteed ‘republican form of government’ up to and including the unincorporated State. The Constitutional Republic was between the Federation of State Governments and the Confederation of State-of-State businesses.
We still see this distinction today in the idea of local and state government, however, rather than the original unincorporated governments, these were changed to incorporated towns and counties [“take a look at the signs while traveling and entering into a town”] leading up to and after the Civil War. These towns and counties became predominantly incorporated entities utilizing municipal district courts and exercising a combination of sea and global jurisdiction. These are easily recognized by the all caps STATE OF STATE or COUNTY OF COUNTY styling [“STATE OF MARYLAND and COUNTY OF GRANT”].
What is the difference? A local and county government that is unincorporated is run by volunteers with the exception of a few roles like Sheriff, Clerk/Recorder, Magistrate, Coroner and a few others. People volunteer their time to help the community and make up a jural assembly. This reference was all but stripped away with incorporation [“the company needs to make money - no room for volunteers”] and the onset of district courts replacing local people courts after the Civil War. A large portion of this conversion came out of the General Orders 100 - later named and codified as the Lieber Code. However, this incorporation method was initially used as part of the Northwest Territories expansion as these were federal territories being converted to Statehood as the population grew and became self-sustaining. At least the vocalized plan was to convert new States to independent nation-states.
The people were also not referred to as residents unless they lived in Washington D.C. or were “citizens of the United States” residing somewhere in the Union or territories. People who were not federal employees or part of the national government had their house on the land on the county [“physically defined geographical borders”] on the state [“physically defined geographical borders”] were they had their home and property. The Union of states allowed for the free moving of people to take up a new permanent home with property on another geographically defined state. These are individual nations and are at times referred to as nation-states.
Logically, people, who were not in government [“government which is a created fictitious entity to serve the people”] lived on the land and soil and breathed the air. Once acting in a role, be it in government or other duty, that role, title, or name is looked at as a ‘person’. Otherwise, you claim your persons as possessions. This is why the Amendment IV to the Constitution of 1789 reads:
The right of the people to be secure in their ‘persons’, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. [“affect added”]
‘Persons’ are names, titles, and roles that reference you as a man or woman, but are not the living soul. To clarify this point, any man can change his “legal” name at any time. This name change does not fundamentally change the man - only the reference to the man. Shirenews is a person. Can you place Shirenews on the stand and ask it what harm it has caused to another of mankind? The fourth amendment affirmed the law and hierarchy of man being above the ‘person’ and the claim to said ‘persons’.
American vs Federal
The government operated as follows prior to military district municipal courts [“and still does indirectly when held to account”]:
The separation of jurisdictions is as follows:
Playing the piece vs being the piece
As a local government volunteer, jural member, or elected public servant, you are a man or woman controlling the game board and playing the game by setting the rules and supporting the local people by protecting their property and ALL rights. This power goes all the way through the federal level as a man or woman.
If you are in the Federal Government by way of citizenship, military service, or a federal employee, you are now the actual piece on the game board and are subject to the will of the people and are obligated to perform the enumerated duties outlined in the Constitutions.
Man and Rights
Above all these governmental institutions is mankind, the author of law. A man has all the rights in the world as long as no harm is caused to another of mankind or his property. This is why you will not see ‘man’, ‘woman’, ‘mankind’, and in most cases ‘people’ in any of the legal codes, rules, acts, statutes, or procedures. If you read the Constitutions as written, it is clear the legislation is for THEM to do their job, not for the people.
A man is not a thing. It is unlawful to tax a man, but perfectly legal to tax a thing.
Jural Assemblies
So, what are jural assemblies? We used to have them, but now the word ‘jural’ is not even in the spell check database.
Who comprises the jural assembly offices as public servants?
Notice the term ‘Public Notary’ versus ‘Notary Public’? Why the flip?
Sea jurisdiction is the realm of inversion. A public notary serves the public and acts as one of the people who does witness and affirms. A notary public is a notary over public in the land of make believe.
Peace Officer versus LEO (Law Enforcement Officer)
A peace officer serves the people and acts to keep them safe. A Sheriff is supposed to be a peace officer.
How do you know if a Sheriff is part of a corporation and not a jural assembly? When they refer to their post as law enforcement officers. A law enforcement officer is the uniform fictitious entity (the uniform that hangs on the hanger in the closet) that enforces legal codes, rules, acts, statutes, and procedures. They are part of private corporations and have their own bylaws and/or operating agreements.
So, why would you comply to a corporation that you are not a part of or employed by?… Did you agree with full disclosure that you would be subject to the rules and guidelines of their company?
Hierarchy Breakdown
So, are you a person or one of mankind? Are you part of a jural assembly or a private corporation?
Why is this important?
Having a basic understanding of how our government was set up to follow the way the world and nature was created, allows for a more logical understanding of how it is supposed to be versus getting trapped in the ‘person’ game. This also provides insight into what changed as a result of the Civil War. In particular, military district courts in operation to this day, dry-docked [“sea jurisdiction”] on the land and creating ‘docket’ number cases to try a man or woman as a fictitious entity.
If a county and state exercises their confirmed right [“some would say duty”] as confirmed in the case Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. 2 (1866); meaning they are competent to set up their own land and soil jurisdiction courts and not have court martial military tribunal district courts, then people can fix the court problem. But, no one is being told, the books have been removed, Statutes at Large are hard to find, and it requires education and work. A good portion of volunteer work is needed.
Ex parte milligan, 71 U.S. 2 (1866). Justia Law. (n.d.).

This was how the mankind setup American government to attempt to follow natural law prior to the “Civil War”. It is based on the natural jurisdictions of our planet. The government technically still exists this way, only the people have not exercised their right to the republican form of government after the institution of the Reconstruction Acts.
It is all voluntary.
Interesting piece. Citations would've made it even more interesting. Might've restacked if the sources cited seemed reasonable, since Geo-rg-ists are interested in the land-labor relationship and its legal evolution.