At the risk of seeming cliche, inconceivable! Yes, you use words all day and everyday that enslave you; and you do not even know it or realize the definition is not quite what you thought. Unless of course, you are a thing/enity/corporation...
If you are a legal thing, then all the legal words below are just fine. If you are a man or woman, using these words will enslave you. It all starts with titles. Enjoy the information.
Re-Introduction to Hierarchy of man
To make sense of word definitions and uses, it is important that a man or woman understand and have perspective of where they stand in the universe. Then ask yourself, do you want to have a title (something less than being a man or woman) or do you want to be fully responsible and accountable for one self?
Looking at the chart above, note the position you place yourself when you make the voluntary decision to choose to be a defendant or plaintiff. Which is more scary; placing your trust in yourself or another who is “practicing” law in a jurisdiction where you do not belong?
Lawful vs Legal
lawful – we use claims – man and woman operate here
legal – complaints – fictions/government/titles/duties/obligations
Lawyers and attorneys try to confuse this basic definition of claims by loosely using the word claim when filing a complaint. To claim something is to take as one’s own. It is something that is true and able to be proven by facts, evidence and conclusions at law. Attorneys and lawyers loosely using the word claim is intentional to gray the boundary between jurisdictions of land and maritime/admiralty law.
Like all legal words, it is a bait and switch routine.
Prior to the Norman Conquest, a man and a woman lived in small communities of witans or shires. This was covered in my initial article introducing this walk through time and how things have been manipulated to the present. The point is we operated under natural and common law within our communities. People took care of each other. Everyone knew if another man or woman was doing something against the law. With the Roman Empire and Catholic Church influence and the expansion of feudalism, that is when “legal” gained power and the lines blurred to suit private corporate interests.
Reminder of Jurisdictions
Black’s Law Dictionary – 4th Edition
TITLE. The radical meaning of this word appears to be that of a mark, style, or designation; a distinctive appellation; the name by which anything is known. Thus, in the law of persons, a title is an appellation of dignity or distinction, a name denoting the social rank of the person bearing it; as "duke" or "count."
Let’s take this to its logical conclusion. If a man or woman is a creation of the Creator (whatever that is to each of you), and having any title is a social ranking, thus placing you below being a man or woman; why ever take a title and get confused about who you are in the universe?
Asking our sons and daughters “who they want to be when they grow up” is asking them to take a title below being a man or woman first and foremost. If we instead asked our sons and daughters how they, as a man or woman, “wish to contribute to the world through their gifts”, would this be a much more concise, accurate, and valuable question? The question we ask them then becomes a connection about passion and contribution in the universe rather than a role or job.
So, how do we get enslaved with titles? Language, Lies and Legal… as a great example, please read the below article by Katherine Watt. She does a phenomenal job tracing this concept within the federal legal system; which is not the same jurisdiction as man and woman and the law (both natural and common law).
If you read Badlands Media and possibly other related Substack history lessons in the development of enslavement in our world, you will see how word play and the legal system has corrupted the world. i will continue to share some of this other work from time to time.
An Initial List of Enslavement Words
Below is a list of words we typically use incorrectly. After the list of titles (not an encompassing list), there are legal words. Many instances then show the accurate and proper word for a man or woman to use lawfully. This is denoted in bold after the legal word comparative in parenthesis with a little context.
Suffer - voluntarily accepting the pain of a situation - if you agree to suffer, it is voluntary
Titles - a list (all titles that are used in place of being a man or woman are legal fictions)
Person is a legal/political fiction with duties and responsibilities rather than rights or freedoms – a mask which is worn, as in theater (you are a man or woman, not a person) - root is persona
Party (You are man or woman – not a fun gathering or non-living thing)
Company (there is no Mister Company to Harm - it is a made up thing on a piece of paper)
Entity (inanimate object - not one of mankind)
Franchise (corporate fiction)
Corporation or Incorporated (a created thing by man - it cannot create a man - hence, lower in hierarchy)
Principle - an entity in a company that has authority and typically ownership
Pro Se - representing oneself - to stand next to yourself and represent as a fiction - are you not accountable and responsible to be, rather than be represented?
Defendant - slave who gave up ability to be fully accountable and responsible and instead chooses to have another represent you - you give up rights when defended
Plaintiff - same as above only allowing attorney to do the complaining and arguing that defendant harmed you
Member - typically some entity that is a a part of an corporation
Sovereign citizen (oxymoron) - cannot be sovereign and a citizen at the same time - a citizen has duties and responsibilities and is not free
Freeman on the land - ?
Human person (see person)
Living beneficiary (either it is your property or not as a man or woman)
Man pro se (see pro se)
State - the company comprised of People assembled as elected representatives for the people in a state
Pronouns of any sort without clarifying you are a man or woman first
Clarification for title section – A man can make a title, corporation, company, entity, etc… a title, corporation, company, entity, etc… CANNOT make a man or woman
Job – illegal act for illicit gain (versus honest work for compensation)
Injury (versus trespass by way of harm)
Income (versus being compensated for our work or receive donations)
Argument (versus we should explain)
Litigate (versus to press claim and explain)
Complaint (versus to press claims with facts, evidence, findings, and proof with conclusions at law, and we bring forth remedy and remove controversy)
In Court (versus at court as a sovereign man or woman - court is the paperwork - it is perfected by gaining jurisdiction)
Being a witness (versus a man or woman who did witness - an action instead of a thing)
Privilege (versus to bring forth rights)
Signature (versus to have an autograph – it is your creation)
Benefit (versus to bring forth rights to property)
Duties (versus accountable and responsible for your actions and choices)
Legal (versus we use Law)
Truth (versus we speak what is true – truth is subjective)
Judge – is the act of judging whether they like your shoes or your sneakers – (versus to use magistrates to administer at court and keep order while a trial by jury hears facts, findings, evidence and conclusions at law)
Jury Trial (versus to invoke trial-by-jury)
“under” Arrest (versus it is unlawful detainment if there is no crime – who is mister arrest we are under?)
Not Guilty (versus to be innocent)
Government – there is no Mister Government who can testify to harm – it is an entity or legal fiction created by man
Driving (versus to travel unless we committed a crime)
Motor Vehicle (versus it is our property/car/automobile for travel unless we committed a crime)
Licensed Driver (versus to travel using our owned property traveling from place to place with companions – given roads are in the public and communal, it is wise to keep that property you use to travel in good and safe working condition)
Identify (versus to “act as” titles, we are not THE title – we are not the monopoly piece, we use the monopoly piece to play the game – all the time, we are a man or a woman and we only “act as” a thing at times for a purpose - we are not the thing)
Police Officer – policy enforcer – falls under legal codes, acts and statutes (versus a man and woman have peace officers, sheriffs, and marshals to keep the peace)
Appear - it is not a magic act or theatre as a person to be at court (versus present as ourselves, and we present facts, evidence, and conclusions at law)
Serve – unless you gave notice or placed an order, someone is serving you without request… If it is an order, charge for that order - if you go to a restaurant, you are served because you ordered something
Includes – substitute the word “means” in its place
Residency – (versus to live in a domicile) – a residency is to have a presence with a purpose and as a secondary location or limited duration
Resident – versus a man or woman with a permanent domicile – if a temporary or secondary location, it is a residence with residency
Warranty Deed, Insurance Deed, Tax Deed, title Insurance, and Title abstracts are all under the color of title – we need to get the original Land Patent and make sure the transfer of the surveyed portion of the patent is recorded for proper Allodial title/freehold (title in fee simple based on description after the Magna Carta)
Demand – (versus we command) – demand assumes wanting something you do not already have – command means you have the power to choose – command has power; demand lacks power and puts the decision to choose in another’s hands
Drive – versus we travel or are traveling
Vehicle, motor vehicle, operate, traffic – we use private property
Passengers – We have companions
Gather – we use peaceable assembly
This is a sampling of the words we use that do not mean what we use them for everyday. These misleading words are what “they” use to enslave. This is because the government forms are filled with these enslaving words, the education system teaches them, and the daily language has been inundated with these incorrect terms that we now use interchangeably and by default, and consequently enslave ourselves. But, if you use Black’s Law Dictionary (suggest using 2nd and 5th edition as it covers the times of our founding government through Lincoln’s War) and actually look up what things mean, you will begin to change how you look at the world and how you use words.
Start testing the difference and see how it changes things…
Upcoming articles will cover more definitions. There will also be more on the history of the Constitutions and the service corporations/organizations created from the contracts and the development up to Lincoln’s War. There will be more references to other great Substack author’s work.
In the meantime, ask yourself, how do you want to contribute as a man or woman and share with the world, society, or your local community with your gifts? If you are truly not a title, it is about you, the man or woman… because taking a title is the beginning of enslavement. Could it be that these misleading titles in which we chase to redefine ourselves, are also what confuses us psychologically by separating us from our basic self in the hierarchy of the universe?
Keep a running tally on how often you use the word “resident” or “residence” in the next week (or any of the titles or legal words). Look up residence versus domicile in Black’s Law dictionary. Then ask yourself if you are a tenant (in the case of land ownership) or if you actually own the property.
Yep. Mankind is only one species. And yes, man and woman is complimentary. Cannot have one without the other. Both, creations of the Creation. The only diminishment is taking a title other than man or woman. That is why the pronoun insanity is being pushed so hard... Diminishment and control.
If there is enough interest, the next article can be about title. Specifically, allodial title and title in fee simple. The question each man or woman must ask is if they are willing to do the work? Are you willing to dig in and unlearn, then relearn? Being fully responsible and accountable means you must do the work.