The American "Civil War" Part I: It Has Always Been Commercial in Nature
Commercial Trading Empires and Colonial Control
The information that follows may take a few articles to unravel. There are important distinctions and clarifications that provide for the context of the global commerce and treaties that impacted how our government responded and interacted with other nations after the Declaration of Independence and the subsequent American Revolution. Certain parties to the treaties setup up shop or control lanes that impacted trade, and ultimately, the long term viability of the fledgling nation to succeed in the “great experiment” of self-governance.
It has always been about trade and the control of trade. A great article that discusses the control of commerce through the Customs Houses in America can be read here.
The First New World Order - VOC
One of the earliest dead entity scams, as well as the very first global company to issue stocks was the Dutch East India Trading Company (1602 - 1799). Also known as Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), this maritime fleet of vessels was commissioned by the Staten-Generaal (States General) of the then Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. At its outset, this commercial trading entity had a 21-year monopoly on the trade between Asia and Europe (particularly Indonesia) for various spices and other goods, including exclusive slave trade routes.

To give an idea of the scope and control of this one private commercial enterprise, it is good to understand the value this company held at its peak. VOC employed as many as 70,000 people across the globe. It is estimated the Dutch East India Trading Company had a value of 78 million Dutch guilders. That is equivalent to $7.9 Trillion USD in today’s currency “value”.
As part of the slave trade activities, VOC transported an estimated 50,000 slaves to the colonies to primarily support raw material production of competitive goods to ship to Great Britain and Europe. More details can be researched here and here.
Compared to the East India Company (EIC) of Great Britain (1600 - 1757), the VOC was almost twice the size. It is estimated the VOC had over 4700 ships compared to the nearly 2700 ships of the EIC. This assumes all 4700 ships were in fact real versus paper investment scams.
Is it a coincidence that both of these companies started within 2 years of each other?
One corporation was commissioned by the States-General of the Netherlands, the other by Queen Elizabeth I on December 31, 1600.
Is it a coincidence both acted as nation-states? Why were both granted a monopoly on trading by their respective countries between Europe and Asia? Was it more than failing capitalism of smaller private enterprises?
Both the Dutch Rulers and the English Monarchs [“as well as Prussian rulers”] have a crossing heritage over the ages. Their families are closely connected through various conquests and marriages. Is there a connection between the coincidental commerce giants gaining global trade for their respective countries at the same time in history and both becoming the two monopolies in trade?
The interesting condition for the VOC [“and the EIC”] from a historical context, is the wide latitude of control to act as a semi-governmental body. This publicly traded company had the ability to wage war, enforce its own laws, and act as a collection agency in commerce anywhere in the world it was doing business. It was a international company acting as as its own government. This was also the case for EIC. The joint stock company approach is similar to the Virginia Company during the same time period in America chartered by Britain.
The trade monopoly conflict between VOC and EIC resulted in two very significant wars between the two independent corporate fleets.
Think about these conditions:
Control trade across the globe
Largest fleet in the world
Wage war by its own volition
Collect money by any means possible
Enforce its own laws of the sea
Trade people as slaves and indentured servants as a monetary and control scheme as leverage to push more commerce
Publicly traded company which created a selfish interest of every stock holder to make money - no matter the cost - thus a network of complicit allies in the greedy public due to stock value opportunity
Control Treaties between countries
Massacre unwitting people in valuable trade route target locations
Have a standing army greater than the countries from which you are chartered
Create military outposts throughout the regions they commercially traded
Minimum crew enrollment period of three years where they could opt to up their tour of duty or opt out
Tax collection enforcement against foreign countries that benefitted from using the VOC vessels for export and import
With this type of power and control, is there any risk for self-interested fraud?
Any of this sound familiar?
The Fraud - Bottomry Bond Scandal
Bottomry Bond:
Bottomry, also known as a bottomry bond, is a contract where a shipowner provides his or her ship as security for a loan to finance a voyage or for a certain period of time. The shipowner usually uses the loan for maritime (i.e. sea-related) risks (e.g. repairs, equipment, emergencies) during the voyage. However, the lender cannot enforce the contract if the ship does not return or is lost; the lender can only enforce the contract if the ship survives the voyage. If the ship returns safely, the shipowner will be liable for repayment of the loan.
Legal Information Institute. (n.d.). Bottomry. Legal Information Institute.
With the largest shipping fleet in the world in the early 1600’s through the late 1700’s, VOC was a globalist empire controlling shipping and maintaining a trade monopoly from Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa, and the Straits of Magellan between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean.
How do you make even more money? Insurance fraud perhaps?
What does insurance fraud look like in the commercial shipping and trade industry?
What happens when you create ships on paper that do not really exist in the largest fleet in the world? What if those fake ships were crewed by paper men (dead entities)?What happens when the loan to insure sea-related risks for an imaginary vessel cannot be repaid since the ship did not return to port? How will anyone know? This fraud all started around 1702. About 100 years after the chartering of the Dutch East India Company.
When did the American Civil War start? Just under 100 years from the founding of America?
How Do You Make it Global?
How do you take a fraud idea like fake ships/vessels managed by the largest monopoly in the world, with ports and military forts all over the world, and slowly, over generations, make it a global corporate commercial fraud and control all world trade and governments?
How do you convince an entire population in a free society, who started from the base belief that they are free, and steal their land without knowledge? Make them all dead - lost at sea. That is the same land that was inherited through the divine providence of land ownership handed down from sovereign men from the signing of the Magna Carta via William the Conqueror men like those from the Norman/French Belcher family.
How do you defraud an entire country and collect all the lawful money?
How about a commercial mercenary conflict you convince the newspapers to call a war? Take some time to read how the American Civil War got its name here.
Did the Dutch and British East India Companies have armies? Yes
Did the Dutch and British East India Companies collect taxes for commerce? Yes
Did the Dutch and British East India Companies skirt debt through fraud? Yes
Did these companies act as private corporations, with more power than their governments, with exclusive contracts from their governments to exploit trade? Yes
This is the model - rinse and repeat.
First step - confuse those free people in that free country that is causing all the problems. The setup…
Test the people by placing a lawyer [“esquire - British noble title”] as President of the United States of America instead of The United States of America - James Buchanan
This violates Article I, Section IX, Clause 8 of the Constitution where:
”No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
Create a new party (Republican - sounds like republican form of government right?) and after James Buchanan, get the next lawyer elected for this similar, but not quite the same new organization - enter Abraham Lincoln
Make sure the companies in the north get trading benefits of higher returns, less sanctions, and lower tariffs from their trade partners in Europe by the act of incorporating allowing for exclusive contracts
Create commercial pressures for the south as they can only compete in the price war by using slaves on the large plantations to sell their products
Make sure the same European interests cutting deals with the north also supply the slaves to the south
Get the southern states to not seat the Congress and secede - hence no quorum and no Congress to declare war - Federal Government under the Constitution of the united States of America [“Federal Union of States”] no longer in operation by contract default [“The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States”] and the Articles of Confederation essentially moth-balled with no repeal - EVER - Two separate Confederations emerge
Take free people and create chaos with a war by convincing the southern military State-of-States [“Ex. State of Georgia - a body politic”] to attack the forts of the northern state-of-states [“Ex. State of Pennsylvania - a body politic”] military and make the hype clear it is all about slavery and not commercial competition for the purpose of emotional traction from the masses
Declare martial law [“unlawful as there was no seated Congress to declare war - Congress complains about that with presidents today - see Article I, Section 8, Clause 11”]
After convincing the south to surrender and have a series of cease fires, create military districts in the south and slowly make those districts the normal practice, and act under color-of-law [“the law of the sea - flying sea colors”] in commercial jurisdiction
create rules for war that apply through executive order [“General Orders 100 - aka The Lieber Code”] and presume every man and woman as a “resident” and not a land owner - that means tenancy; the only way out is to know to declare you are NOT a resident - but make sure all forms have resident and no other option
As new states get added, maintain the military postal districts that presume authority through Washington DC and the Postal Office
Give a way out of the military courts with the Reconstruction Acts [“technically also unlawful as they were passed by a Northern Confederate Congress which was unlawful and not provided in the Constitution for the united States of America, so this base power reverted back to the people - although the war left the people confused as to their status”], but keep the details and communication to the people minimal; confirm the divinely inherited free people’s ability to reseat a Republican form of government with local jural courts, verified in the rulings of Ex Parte Milligan 71 U.S. 2 (1866)
Hi-jacked country - now what?
So, once the admiralty and maritime courts are set up, what next to complete the control and bond fraud?
Make a new class of citizen - on paper- and start allowing voting [“suffrage”] of this new class of citizen [“only way to allow the people to directly vote in the private corporate election of the United States is to make them part of the United States and not the people who are the original republican form of government”] through a limited set of offerings of major federal political parties - Amendment 14
Make sure all future amendments to the Bill of Rights from amendment 13 are not ratified, but rather controlled exclusively by a foreign Congress [“noted right in each of the amendments in the constitution of 1789”]
Bring in the BAR association to “represent” the infants and slaves in the military district courts since the infants and slaves are incompetent's
Encourage a movement of suffrage for women and give them power by simply registering to vote in this private corporate system
Change money to currency in the form of debt notes [“IOU’s always increasing and no credit repaid to the creditors - because they do not know they are creditors”] - Federal Reserve Act
Create a market crash within the first decade of the new baking system and add more confusion with a world war [“World War I”] - continue conscription process in the unlawful Federal Government to get more crew for the commercial wars
Slowly convert people to entities that conform to the 14th amendment “citizen of the United States”, just like the fake crews on the fake ships - How?… maybe through volunteering informants [“parents”] to hand over the vitals of their child in the form of registered paper things like a Birth Certificate bond [“security”] to be traded all in the name of public health?
Set up a war tax and allow people to keep volunteering to pay the tax and never tell them they do not have to pay - make sure the forms are confusing enough to cloud the facts
The citizens of the United States property, persons, and their assets get pledged as collateral for these debt notes and bonds [“thank you FDR”]
The bonds get traded in commerce [“how else is collateral traded?”] without the people’s knowledge by taking all the gold and silver from the people and using the debt notes and bonds as the trading paper; war bonds and eventually treasury bonds are encouraged to be held in other countries against a world trade currency - maybe something like the Federal Reserve Note - has a nice ring to it
Every time the debt note gets accepted in trade [“same notes passed from one place to another”], the debt would increase if the clearing of the credit side of the ledger is never realized - thus quietly increasing the debt of that annoying free country, and encouraging the people to assume they hold the debt and not the actual credit [“remember, the citizens of the United States property, persons, and assets were pledged as collateral for the debts of the United States federal government - so who holds the debt?”]
If you needed more currency, you checked the population numbers and printed more IOU’s - if you want to collapse the system, make sure the population starts declining - or import new slaves for the system
Convert all people into paper thing entities that are traded in commerce by presumption of a citizenship [“slave vessel”] under the “same” government that was originally chartered by the people
Make non-positive laws so voluminous and complicated, and with enough word trickery that no one could possibly understand - pass all these huge legislative packages based on threats of shutting down an enormously bloated government that has an economic size as big or bigger than the non-governmental people economy
Create enormous agencies with no oversight to police all these new laws against an unsuspecting population that are now unwittingly residents of a war time Federation from a falsely labeled “Civil War”
Encourage every business to be incorporated under commercial jurisdiction, and make everyone believe they are no longer permitted to have any “rights” as it all requires licenses and registrations in commerce; everything is now in commerce and it would be illegal to do anything in commerce without the permission of the government - those are the powers enumerated to the government after all, clearly stated right in the compact…
Since everyone is now in commerce (trading as dead entities), tax the presumed dead entity for import/export/customs for the courtesy of transacting
Make every transaction method through a proxy [“JOE DIRT in All CAPS on the credit card or mortgage statement, or any other invoice”] so it meets the definition and law of only dead entities dealing with dead entities [“see: Penhallow v Doane’s Administrators, 3 U.S. 54 (1795) at p 93”] “Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interfere only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.”
Make every man think they are the proxy [“like the credit card, drivers license, vehicle registrations, etc…”]
Create enough global conflict and call them wars in maritime and admiralty jurisdiction to keep the masses oblivious and distracted and emotional
BAM! You have bottomry Bonds Scandal all over again. Except this time, the entire world is riding in a fake ship and the people have been converted to slavery through a global currency system hypothecated on the backs of people converted to citizens of the United States or some other form of citizen in some other country where freedom is not protected by common law.
Oh, and the slave trade is alive and well through this same racket - and it it not about the color of your skin - it is about control of the masses - just read the news here as an example.
And - the slave helpers are simply doing their job and then going home. Read Here! Nuremberg anyone?
That is what happens when you enslave the masses into a fake ship [“government”] through “persons” as crew created on paper bonds, and use their value as collateral to prop up a fake currency that they are actually the creditors to - now those confused men and women they will do anything to pay the bills and keep their job and never notice the ship is fake, the crew is fake, and the bond paper it is printed on is worhless.
Say it is not so!
Next Time
Part II will start diving in to more detail of the American “Civil War” and the dates and steps that led to military districts.
The people are running out of time!
As always, a very interesting post. Thank you.
It's a small point, but "Esquire" is not a title of nobility. It is probably best described as an honorary or courtesy title which used to be for men above the rank of gentleman, but below the rank of knight. Even knights do not rank as noble. More recently, "Esquire" became more widely used by lawyers and other professionals, university graduates, etc.
WoW just read this, had the tab open for a few days but not able to read it. I've been preaching LAW = Land Air Water 3 authorities, 3 jurisdictions, 3 constitutions. That We The People are of the Land Jurisdiction and therefore do NOT belong in courts of the Water Jurisdiction. As in LAW jurisdiction can be challenged at any point I always require written response to what they claim their Jurisdiction actually is over me a Living Man, of the Land Jurisdiction! Funny thing is I only get threats and bully tactics and never any written response to any jurisdictional questions. We know that the lies are so big and have been goin on for so long cultures and traditions have been created on lies. Therefore anything presented to us needs to be vetted through research to know if it's a lie or truth. Thus I propose that the Revolutionary war was actually won by the British. I've yet to be proven wrong. My premise is the Crown of London controls our courts and has since the Constitution was created. Through the BAR association. Thus 1/3 of the 3 branches of government is controlled by British. If We The People won the war would we allow any British control of any branch of our government? I look forward to diving into the rest of your work. This needs to be read and understood by all to help free and educate We The People!!! Peace...